About Us

Honest Greens, LLC has developed a reputation for being a company that puts their clients first, and have an exceptional quality of work, and work ethic. No matter if our clients need help in their Home, Business or Farm, we will always treat them equally and help them with their problems. We want our clients to feel comfortable knowing we won't cut corners, we will hire professional workers, and will always perform an excellent job for them.

We started out as gardeners doing maintenance, but as our clients asked more of us we grew to be able to use our other skills. We now run a Cacti, Palm, Fruit tree and agave farm, a small cacti and agave nursery, and a small stoneyard. Of course our main focus is to offer a wide range of services, focusing on landscaping, masonry and farming for home and business.

Freshly harvested grapes by my dad, Antonio.

Freshly harvested grapes by my dad, Antonio.

Honest Greens, LLC mainly serves the greater Los Angeles Area, but we do take clients outside the area depending on the project. For example we have worked on Homes and Farms from Napa, Kern and San Diego, and all over California, but each project was evaluated carefully before we committed.

When we started the company me and my dad loved to Farm, Build and garden, and had a passion for everything that produces food or is a funky desert plant. That has translated into the company and we try to mimic nature as best we can to produce sustainable landscapes that everyone can enjoy.

Me, Steve, taking a selfie with the Stone Cabin being built on our farm, with stone mined from the land.

Me, Steve, taking a selfie with the Stone Cabin being built on our farm, with stone mined from the land.